Normally, your fees are automatically taken out when a successful registration occurs. However, since we are a per successful registration fee based platform, we can't always charge our fees when a successful registration happens. Thus, we run a reconciliation on the 1st of each month for the previous month's activity.

The following fees will be added to the monthly reconciliation:

  1. If you create a free event for participants, the per successful registration fee will be added to this total.
  2. If you manually add a participant to an event without processing a payment, the per successful registration fee will be added to this total.
  3. If you mark a payment as paid offline, or scholarship a participant, the per successful registration fee will be added to this total.
  4. If you receive a dispute, the dispute fee and amount will be added to this total.
  5. If you refund a participant, the refund reconciliation fees will be added to this total.

If you ever want to know what is going to be charged, you can always see a running total of the monthly reconciliation. To learn about how, check out this article: How do I view my Team Sports Admin Fees?