Are you looking for information about a specific player? You can access each player's details, including their contact info, which teams and events they're registered for, whether they have any health concerns, guardian information, payments, and much more by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Team Sports Admin account.
  2. Click on PLAYERS in the main menu.
  3. This will bring you to the Manage Players page. Here, you can use the Search For box at the top of the top of the page to find a specific player. You can enter any of the following identifiers to locate a participant:
    • Player's Name
    • Player's Email Address
    • Guardian's Name
    • Guardian's Email Address
    • Log In Email Address
  4. Click on the player's name to access their information.
    • You can edit and update any information here as needed.
    • Click Update to save any changes you make.
  5. If you're looking for information about payments, signed documents, incomplete registrations, assigned teams, or just want to see notes about that player, scroll down to the bottom of the page or use the Quick Links on the left-hand side of the screen.