The first step to creating and managing your teams is adding your coaches and managers to your account so they can be assigned to a team. Once you add a coach or manager's email address, they will be sent a unique log in where they will have the ability to add calendar activities and send emails to the players and guardians on the teams they get assigned to only. Coaches can get assigned to more than one team.

To add a coach or manager to your account, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

  1. Log in to your Team Sports Admin account. 
  2. Scroll over EVENTS in the main menu and click Seasons.
  3. On the left-hand side under the Manage section, click Coaches/Managers.
  4. Click the blue button titled Add Coach/Manager.
  5. Scroll down to Invite New Coach/Manager and enter the coach or manager's email address and click Invite new Coach/Manager.
  6. If you would like to add the coach or manager manually, scroll down to Manually Add A Coach/Manager and enter all the information. 
  7. Scroll down and click Add New Coach/Manager
  8. You can view the pending registrations by clicking the blue Pending Registrations button on the Coaches/Managers page under the Reports section.