Are you looking to delete an incomplete registration from a specific event? Just simply follow the step-by-step instructions below and the player/team/participant will no longer be listed in the Incomplete Registration report.

Please Note: This does not delete the user completely. It only "unlinks” them from the event.

  1. Log in to your Team Sports Admin account. 
  2. Scroll over Events in the main menu and select the event you want to unsubscribe the user from. For this example we will delete a player from a Season. So in the main menu scroll over EVENTS and click SEASONS.


  3. Under the Reports section, click Incomplete Season Registrations.


  4. Search for the player you wish to delete and in the Outstanding Items column, click the red X.


From there all you need to do is simply follow the on-screen instructions and your user will no longer be tied to that specific event with an incomplete registration.

Alternatively, you can access and delete and incomplete registration from the player's profile by following these steps: 

  1. Log in to your Team Sports Admin account. 
  2. Click PLAYERS in the main menu. 
  3. Search for the player you wish to remove the incomplete registration from by utilizing the search options. 
  4. Click the player's name. 
  5. In the Quick Links menu, click the Incomplete Regisrations icon which will bring you down to the the incomplete event registration section of the player's profile. 
  6. Locate the incomplete registration you wish to remove and in the Outstanding Items column, click the red X.